At or to a point midway between two others

Justin is officially past the halfway mark for his radiation treatments! Hooray!

It’s already been nearly two weeks since my last post, so there’s a bit to get caught up on. First up, Carter’s visit with Justin went really well. They both had such a good time and Carter loved the urban living (mostly because he doesn’t have to drive, park, or pay for that lifestyle). LOL! I know Justin enjoyed the company and was still able to get some work done in the down time.

Towards the end of the week, I was fortunate enough to take a couple of days off and meet the boys in Houston. It was so wonderful see Justin, I miss him dearly. And being able to see where he’s staying and go to a couple of appointments brought me peace. I’ll take any and all I can get!

There were several activities Carter wanted to do 1) ice skating. Ugh, not my forte. But we went anyways and toughed it out. He still gives us hell about moving him from Colorado. 2) An escape room. Ok, I’ve never done one of these before and I have thoughts… We did “escape,” yet with only 26 seconds to spare. 3) We visited the Space Center. Ok, ok, that wasn’t on Carter’s list, but wonderful and fascinating, nonetheless.

So much ice
Justin really liked that sign, didn’t go with our success theme so much
So much Boeing going on in this picture

Justin had a CT scan of his lungs and an MRI of his lower abdomen this past week. The CT scan showed some nodules, although the radiologist said they were new, we’ve known about them for a couple of years now (different radiologist). How many exactly? It’s hard to say since imaging is never perfect. We’ve seen them come, go, and shrink, but never get bigger. We’re not sure what they are, hate that they’re there, and pray they’re nothing serious. We haven’t gotten the MRI results, that’s tomorrow. I’m deep into my scanxiety at the moment, but his last set of scans in May looked good. Prayers for a clean scan!!!

Justin had a very special visitor this weekend! Cheers to Doug for driving down to hang out with my man! Airline tickets were sky-high, nearly $800, so we skipped him coming home this week, boo. I hope he was able to rest and enjoy the downtime and get some extra healing in. Only three weeks to go!!!

Love you, Doug!

Hope your Octobers are magnificent. Love you all, Christina